EMF (Electro Magnetic Field) detector

Hi guys,
I'm Saksham Prakash from Lucknow, India. Here is my newly made EMF detector. It will light up an LED whenever it is brought close to electricity.

Working (Simple electromagnetism)-
Wherever there is a flow of electric current (in an electric appliance), there is an electromagnetic field generated (around the wire Fig. 1) . When the antenna (coiled for better results) is brought close to it, current is induced in the antenna. The Arduino micro controller is programmed to detect this tiny amount of current and if it is above the normal criteria, it lights up the LED. 


void setup(){                                                 

void loop(){                                                           
  int a = analogRead(A5);                                    
  if(a>10) digitalWrite(9,HIGH);                            
  else analogWrite(9,0);                                          


Fig. 1




  1. We can make it better by knowing the intensity

  2. Yup i already know that.. Notice that in the program, the induced current is read on an analog scale which when crosses the threshold, digitally switches the LED on... I could have controlled the LEDs brightness depending upon the intensity of the signal which i did afterwords.. Not much successful I'd say due to some realtime circumstances ..

  3. hi . my problem is the distance between the detection circuit. For example, if I find 220 volts at a distance of 10 centimeters in normal mode, I want to change the distance between 1 cm to 10 cm with 2 keys or one potanseometr or ...


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