Darlington pair touch sensor

hi people.. I am Saksham from Lucknow, India. This is my new darlington pair touch sensor made by me, using four NPN transistor BC-547 arranged on a breadboard. When we touch the "touch plate" a very little amount of current flows from our body to the base of the transistor. The two transistor amplify the current and light up the LED.

Darlington pair touch circuit...

LED lights up by touching the "touch plate"

      a schematic of the circuit
      only difference is that i'v used 4 transistors in this format


  1. Good one Amol! I wonder if there are other differences in the circuit you used and the one in the figure.

  2. only difference is that there is no resistor and i'v used 4 transistors..

  3. Hey u. Can simply use a touch sensor

  4. http://www.amazon.in/TTP223B-Digital-Sensor-capacitive-switch/dp/B00NHLNTR0?tag=googinhydr18418-21&kpid=B00NHLNTR0&tag=googinkenshoo-21&ascsubtag=d781631e-a716-4beb-a57e-d55854f6b410

  5. Hey man have i look over this below

  6. http://m.instructables.com/id/How-to-Build-an-8-Bit-Computer/


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